Monday, May 25, 2009


Dearest Readers -

First of all, thank you for your support in this trip. I am very much in need of your prayers and am excited to be able to partner with you in serving and worshipping the Lord in Athens, Greece!

My flight to Atlanta leaves tomorrow at 8 am, and I will be at pre-field training in Ridge Haven, NC until Friday. We leave Friday night for London and then Athens, arriving Saturday.

I'm not sure how much I will be able to update this because our internet access is dependent upon how often we use the internet cafe - probably once every week or two. Hopefully I will be able to post specific prayer requests, as well as ways the Lord has already answered prayers :)

For now, please pray that the entire trip will be characterized by "work produced by faith," "labor prompted by love" and "endurance inspired by hope in Christ" (1 Thessalonians 1:3). Pray that the Lord will bring salvation to the people I will meet and that He will be worshipped and glorified. Please pray that I am emptied of selfishness and that the Lord miraculously allows me to serve Him purely and undistractedly. I realize this trip is a huge opportunity and blessing, and the last thing I want to do is squander it on myself. Pray for an eternal mindset and God-glorifying focus. Please also pray for my team members (there are 7 of us) and for our mentors and the pastor's family that is hosting us. Thank you again SO much! You have been such a blessing and encouragement already.